Jupiter Business Systems FZC
Started with the release of JBM's Windows Desktop Edition in SAIF ZONE, UAE
To empower our clients with powerful end-to-end enterprise solutions, thereby enabling them to answer their present day business challenges as well as prepare them for greater success in the future.
To be an innovative business management solution provider.
Started with the release of JBM's Windows Desktop Edition in SAIF ZONE, UAE
Started in a small way to support global aspirations of JBS in the city of Thrissur
Opened as a branch of ASSPL, is now the front office for JBM's key products and we are currently operating from two key locations with in greater Mumbai region.
Company was initiated with a vision of starting operaitons in East Africa
Established our physical presence in East Africa with to give life to The Mission Africa.
NET4LOG is born to materialize our desire for innovation and lasting impact to the lives of logistians