Profile the prospective customer data sourced from multiple channels so that they may be allocated to the salesperson/agents. Also possible to classify the prospects based on nature and or size of business.
Create multiple teams having their own set of team leaders and coordinators with complete restriction on visibility based on prospect allocation.
Easy allocation or reallocation of prospects to the sales person. Complete history of who handled which customer when.
Plan ahead your sales by creating call/visit plans on an inbuilt calendar. Get reminders and calendar notification on the due dates.
Record both planned visit/call reports and also AD HOC visits in the call reports which are later used by the supervisor to analyze the sales person activities.
The sales person can go completely computer free by using the App to report calls and manage the visit when on the field.
While privacy is appreciated, tracking the sales force while they are on the field is an essential part of controlling the human limitations. Track your sales agents real time when in motion.
Analyze your teams effective performance based on their recorded activities, and ensure that your sales team is focussed, motivated and transparent in delivering results which directly affects your topline.