Book your transport order, and plan and execute the jobs swiftly and keep track of the consignment notes.
Effective Journey planning especially for long haul carriage to ensure timely delivery and also cost effective journey overall.
Control and track the job related expenses such as drive allowances, tolls and other transport costs and also track costs per trip.
Track and control fuel disbursements to ensure optimal mileage for every petro dollar. Record root cause for adverse fuel utilization and prevent thefts and pilferage.
Manage customer transport contracts effectively using the intuitive contract management module. Options to allocate fleet to contracts to track overall performance of the contract.
Track all consignments and bill the customer ADHOC or periodically. Manage customer contracts and rates to ensure 100% automated billing
Track fleet maintenance and repair costs as cost centers. JBM provides periodic P&L reports to ensure optimal return on investment on assets. Integration with the JBM’s workshop management allows tracking of the repair costs.
Manage the allocation of drivers and the crew for the vehicles and track their performance and also recoveries on account of fines or penalties.
Safety being critical in the transport operations, an innovative scoring system allows tracking of the driver behaviors during each trip to assess an overall performance of the operations.
Optional add-on module for managing workshop repairs, mechanic schedules, repair tasks, and inventory.
JBM FA is well integrated with the transportation solution to manage trip cash, billing and related receivables management. The cost centers are well integrated with the vehicles to provide a P&L for every asset.
Track your assets real time using the innovative telematics integration. Keep a complete record of real time movement in association with the journey plan and orders.
Optional mobile extension helps drivers and patrol teams record events to manage transport operations over a broad area.